Approaching Grav 1.0

New site and stable releases

After being in beta for just over a year, with nearly 50 releases and 250 closed issues, Grav is now a full featured CMS with all our roadmap tasks completed. We really could of put the Version 1.0 rubber stamp on Grav some time ago, but we decided to hold off until we had the admin plugin stable also. With an extensive beta development phase of it's own, the Grav admin has undergone a series of solid releases to add new functionality and address bugs. It is also on the cusp of getting a stable version number as we have 161 closed issues and no critical bugs currently open.

As we fast approach this major milestone for the Grav project, we have recently unveiled a brand new site designed by our good friend, and highly talented Eduardo Santos.

Our homepage now consists of a tour of some of the great Grav features and other reasons why Grav is a great choice for your next web development project. All the other pages have been updated with a new look and improved usability:

I would like to give a shout-out to our friends at BrowserStack who kindly provided us with an account to help test the new site under a variety of platforms and browsers. If you ever need to do cross browser testing, they are highly recommended.

In the coming days we plan on having another beta release of Grav and the admin plugin with some outstanding fixes and features. If nothing major is reported, we'll quickly move towards a 1.0 release version.

We also have some great new plugins that are ready to release and we'll post more information about those soon!

Exciting times!