Grav Features

There are so many features and functionality to describe that we were forced to create a whole page just to outline them all! Browse this page to get a better understanding of all the amazing things Grav can do for you.

Read the Documentation


  • Flat-File Architecture

    Grav is fast and flexible thanks in part to the highly optimized flat-file architecture.

  • Smart caching

    The system uses sophisticated caching throughout and knows when to update the cache automatically.

  • Instant Install

    Unzip to install. Grav runs out-of-the-box. Zero configuration is required.

  • CLI Tools

    Command line tools such as dependency installation, cache clearing, user creation, and backups!

  • Package Manager

    Our command line GPM system allows you to find, install, and easily update extensions for Grav

  • Extensive Documentation

    Documentation is not an afterthought! Grav has a dedicated documentation site plus loads of tutorials and guides.

  • Awesome Technology

    Grav employs best-in-class technologies such as Twig, Markdown, YAML, Symfony components, and Doctrine Caching.

  • Powerful Configuration Overrides

    Powerful YAML-based configuration with environment-based overrides allow the ultimate in configuration flexibility.

  • Multi-Site Capabilities

    You can configure a single Grav to run multiple sites, as well as other advanced setups.

  • SEO Friendly

    Human-readable URLs along with site-wide and per-page metadata provide fantastic SEO capabilities.

  • Routing and Redirection

    Powerful site-wide and per-page routing and redirection capabilities provide improved usability and SEO flexibility.

  • Users and Roles

    Easily create users and roles and set permissions to restrict access to any page.

  • Simple Backups / Restore

    Being file based means backing up and restoring your data is trivial, and we even provide CLI tools to do it!

  • Minimal Requirements

    Grav has minimal requirements and runs on PHP 7.1.3 and greater out-of-the-box

  • Debugging and Logging

    A powerful visual debug panel helps the development process by providing vital information in a clear way.


  • HTML or Markdown Content

    Grav natively support Markdown content, but you can use plain HTML or even a mix if you wish.

  • Multi-Language Support

    Use your own native language, or support multiple different languages with ease.

  • Modular Pages

    Modular pages allow you to create a single page built from other 'modular' pages.

  • Custom Fields

    YAML-based page headers allow you easily add custom dynamic fields to your content.

  • Flexible Taxonomies

    Built-in support for customizable taxonomies such as tags or categories to help organize your content.

  • Version Control & Sync support

    Use GIT, SVN, Dropbox, and other services to version and synchronize your data with ease.

  • Built-in Media Types

    Grav natively understands and supports a variety of image, video, sound, and file formats.

  • Image Media Processing

    Dynamic image manipulation to resize, crop, resample, effects and caching

  • Automatic Page Link Handling

    Grav automatically handles a variety of approaches to easily create links between pages.

  • Automatic Page Image Handling

    You can easily reference any image within the content structure, and even use media processing.

  • Native Retina/HiDPI Image Support

    The only CMS with native support for properly displaying images on Retina and HiDPI.


  • No Design Restrictions

    You don't have to feel trapped by your CMS, Grav imposes no limits on your creativity.

  • Twig Templating Language

    Twig templating is best-in-class and provides powerful features along with great performance.

  • Theme Inheritance

    You can extend another theme and only modify the bits you need, allowing for easier updates.

  • Asset Manager

    A built-in Asset Manager allows powerful control over CSS and JS including compression and pipelining.

  • Access to Plugin Event Hooks

    Themes provide full access to the abundant plugin event hooks allowing themes to have full control over Grav.

  • Extra Twig Filters & Functions

    Take advantage of useful filters and functions bundled with Grav that expand the power of Twig.

  • Use any CSS Framework

    You can use any third party CSS framework such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, etc.


  • Extensive Plugins Available

    Grav already has a tonne of open source plugins available to extend the core functionality.

  • Tonnes of Plugin Event Hooks

    Plugins have full control over Grav with an extensive plugin event hook architecture.

  • Simple to Write

    The plugin system, although powerful, is still simple, so writing your own plugins is a doddle.

  • Extensible by Design

    Grav was written to be small and fast, but plugins allow you to extend the functionality as needed.

Admin Panel

  • Optional but Useful

    You don't need to use the admin panel, but it provides a great way for your users or authors to interact with Grav.

  • Simple Interface

    A simple and intuitive interface allows even non-technical people to create content and manage key aspects of Grav.

  • Extensible

    Define custom page structures with YAML blueprints, and you can even create plugins to extend the admin panel.

  • Advanced Forms

    Grav features advanced form capabilities allowing you to develop sophisticated admin panels and configuration interfaces.

  • All the Features you Need

    Because Grav is a flat-file CMS, you don't need the admin, so the admin panel only provides the features you need.

  • Responsive

    You can take advantage of the admin panel on a variety of devices, not just your desktop computer.

  • One-Click Installs and Updates

    The admin panel allow for easy installation of plugins and themes as well as easy one-click updates.

  • Meaningful Statistics

    Get a quick snapshot of how your site is doing with built-in usage statistics chart in the dashboard.