Grav Translation with Crowdin

Using a dedicated platform to empower translation...

Ever since we added support for multi-language and translations in the beta releases of Grav, we have been asked about translating Grav into various languages. This has typically been centered around the Admin plugin as that has the most translation strings and subsequently is the most common focus of translation needs.

Up until this point, the process of translation involved Forking the plugin repository on GitHub, making edits or additions in the various languages, then submitting a pull request. This worked OK at first, but as the plugin became more complex, more strings were getting added, it became harder and harder to manage. We needed a better solution. Enter Crowdin to the rescue!

Crowdin is a modern localization management platform that fully supports Grav's YAML-based language files and provides a convenient interface to translate the default English translation file. It has over 400,000 users world-wide with over 17,000 projects. Crowdin is very open source friendly and has kindly provided a fully functional account for our Grav-specific projects.

To help facilitate translation of Grav core and plugins, we have created an account on Crowdin that will be the repository for our various translations projects.

To get the ball rolling we have started with the Grav Admin plugin, but we will add more sub-projects over the coming months.

Rich Starkie has volunteered to take on the roll of Translation Manager so if you have any questions regarding contributing to the translation effort, you can chat with him directly in the Grav chatroom.

We have also created a new Team section on the About Grav page, and this includes a translation team section. If you have contributed but we have missed you please let us know via the main Grav chat room.