Grav Reaches 3000 GitHub Stars

A Result of the Product Hunt effect

Over the past weekend, the Grav project surpassed 3,000 stars on GitHub! This is a huge achievement for the Grav team, serving as a testament of the incredible community that has grown over the past year around a new open source flat-file CMS.

Grav is still a very young content management system, which is quickly approaching its first full 1.0 release. What started as a personal quest to find a simple, fast CMS that could be as simple or as full-featured as the user needs it to be has since grown into a community of developers and users enjoying nearly 40 free themes and 84 plugins.

During Grav’s short history, it has been downloaded over 50,000 times.

This community is extremely active, too. We have a Gitter chatroom where users can connect with Grav’s development team and with each other. This chatroom currently has over 600 members, with new people joining the conversation every day.

The Product Hunt Effect

When Grav came out of beta and released its first release candidate in October, it was featured by Product Hunt, rocketing to the top spot, and setting forth a snowball effect that allowed Grav’s community to grow significantly almost overnight.

Following being featured on Product Hunt, the Grav project became the #1 trending PHP project on GitHub, holding that spot for the following two weeks. Grav also made it to the top 3 trending developers on Github during that time, going head-to-head with developers like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Before Grav was featured on Product Hunt, it had already garnered over 1600 stars on GitHub, but in just over a month since that time, we have now reached over 3000!

The Grav project has also been featured in a number of popular websites including: Designer News, Web Designer News, Web Designer Depot and David Walsh Blog.

Thank You

We owe a lot of thanks to our community. Without it, Grav wouldn’t be possible.

From the moment Grav was founded, it has been built in coordination with its community. By providing feedback and suggestions on the Grav forum, in Gitter chat, through the GitHub projects, and even on Twitter, we have been able to create a content management system that has far exceeded our initial expectations.

The over 3,000 people that gave Grav a star on GitHub helped it to find its place on GitHub’s coveted trending projects lists on more than one occasion. This includes becoming a long-term addition to the GitHub PHP Trending Repositories page.

Grav is just getting started. With your continued support, it is our goal to make Grav the go-to flat-file CMS for developers for years to come.