The State of Grav - April 2015

What's been going on in the world of Grav...

It has been a little over 10 months since we launched the first public beta of Grav. We quickly reached our 0.9.0 release goals as outlined in the Grav Roadmap, and have spent the subsequent months bug fixing, adding requested features, and laying the groundwork for our upcoming 1.0.0 release.

We are currently sitting at version 0.9.23 and Grav is now very stable and extremely powerful. We have been releasing updates regularly, and if you check out the Grav Changelog, you can see a detailed view of all the hard work that has gone into the development.

Grav Ecosystem

In case you have not been paying attention, we currently have 42 free plugins, and 18 free themes available for Grav.

Lately, awareness has increased, and more and more people are joining us on our Gitter chat room (currently 133 chatters!) and finding us on GitHub. In fact, we've been the #1 trending PHP project on GitHub for the past few days!

Pretty cool, right?!

Learn Grav

We have also done a major overhaul on our Grav Learn site, with a brand new modern look. The documentation itself has grown steadily with more information and guides to help you learn about Grav, quickly and enjoyably. We even have a section on how to set Grav up in a variety of hosting environments to ensure you are running Grav optimally.

What's Next?

Most everything we have been working on has been done in preparation for Grav's upcoming administration plugin. In fact, to ensure that it receives the attention it deserves, we even hired one of our most active Grav community members, Gert Sallaerts, to join the RocketTheme team and work primarily on Grav.

Gert contributed the ground-breaking Retina/Responsive image support for Grav, as well as the media functionality overhaul that added vector, animated GIF and video support.

We are now working on adding the last few bits required for RC1 of the free admin plugin including web-based installation of 3rd party plugins and themes:

As well as improving the admin user management capabilities:

We have a list of things left that we need to finish up before we can release RC1 (release candidate) of the admin plugin, but the list is steadily getting shorter, and we hope to be able to announce this in a few more weeks.

In the meantime, we have a few other goodies that we will be including in the Grav core before we release version 1.0. One of those is a very simple, but powerful, download functionality that will easily let you provide, control, and log, downloads on your site.

If you have other requests for features, or just questions in general, please let us know!.