Four New User Contributed Plugins

Great stuff is being developed by the Grav community!

In case you have not been following the updates in the Plugins page, or our Twitter feed, I thought I would take this opportunity to showcase a few of cool plugins that have been added recently. We'll cover Embed, CacheBuster, MediaEmbed, and Private.

Embed Plugin

The Embed plugin makes use of public oEmbed API hosted by Iframely. Through this service you have access to over 1700 domains and summary cards.

Usage is as simple as providing a markdown link in your content with a URL:


will produce the card:


Another example is to use one of the many supported:


will produce a nice summary card:


pretty right?

Cachebuster Plugin

Grav has always had a powerful CLI interface that makes certain tasks such as clearing the cache, as simple as typing a command:

$ bin/grav clear-cache

However, some people don't have terminal or shell access on their hosted servers*, and clearing the cache can be a slow process if you try to manually delete all the files through FTP.

Cachebuster to the rescue! This is a simple plugin that lets you configure a custom URL that when reached via the browser, clears your cache for you quickly and efficiently.

After enabling the plugin and configuring your unique custom cache-clear URL you will be able to use:

And your site's cache will be cleared! That easy!


MediaEmbed is similar to the Embed plugin mentioned above but does not rely on a 3rd party service to provide the embedding functionality. It currently supports the following services:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • DailyMotion
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Flickr
  • Imgur
  • Instagram
  • GitHub

All you have to do is simply provide a link to an item on the supported page. For example:


Will produce results like this:


Private is another simple plugin that enables you to keep certain areas of your site private. This plugin recently received an update that now ensures it's more powerful and configurable. It makes good use of the Grav plugin events and even core functionality such as taxonomy.

* Looking for a better host, check out our list of Grav approved hosting providers.