Grav 0.9.30 Released

Multi-Language support has been added to Grav!

Today I'm really proud to announce the release of Grav 0.9.30 which has a huge new feature: Full Multi-Language Support. This is one of the top requested features for Grav and with the help of the Grav community to isolate possible approaches, Grav now has a very powerful tool-set to build multi-language sites. The great news is that we were able to implement this capability without impacting performance!

Another key feature of this release that was required for multi-language to work properly, is the ability to configure multiple routes for a page, support a default override, and even provide a canonical route to be used for SEO purposes.

The multi-language capabilities in Grav are wide-reaching and can be best expressed in a list of functionality:

  1. Multiple concurrent languages for a given Grav site
  2. Language fallback based on language order
  3. Language code (en) or Local-based codes (en-GB)
  4. Multiple language-based markdown files providing custom header/contents
  5. Auto-detected active language based on URL
  6. Custom routes based on language
  7. Language-based home page aliases
  8. Active language-based Twig template overrides
  9. Translation support in .yaml format via Twig filters, functions and PHP function
  10. Environment-based language handling
  11. Language alias routes and switching between language versions of a page
  12. Session-based active language
  13. Language Switcher plugin

There are several other key items in this release including built-in session support as well as a new improvements to the routing and redirect functionality. Again, a by-product of the multi-language support.

!! Please check out the Grav Changelog for a complete list of changes.

How to Update

Updating is now a simple affair. Simply navigate to the root of the Grav install in your terminal and type:

bin/gpm selfupgrade

This will upgrade the Grav core to the latest version. Additionally, you should update all your plugins and themes to the latest version. You can do this using the command below:

bin/gpm update